AtenTEC Software Technologies

AtenTEC, is a leading provider of innovative Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technologies. AtenTEC cloud-based technologies are meticulously developed to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and drive your bottom line.

SaaS Technology

Experience the ease of use, scalability, and customization provided by our SaaS services. They are perfectly suited for businesses aiming to grow and adapt in a rapidly changing market. By leveraging our SaaS solutions, you can harness the power of the latest technologies without the burden of costly hardware or software installations.

AtenTEC SaaS Generic Backend Microservices iconSaaS Generic Backend Microservices

Delve into our flexible and reusable backend microservices, which manage server-side logic, process requests, perform business operations, interact with databases, and deliver responses to clients. These generic backend microservices, such as user authentication and authorization, payment processing, user profile management, and search functionality, are designed for modularity, scalability, fault tolerance, and well-defined APIs. Benefit from their independence, loose coupling, and resilience to prevent cascading failures.

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SaaS Generic Backend Microservices
AtenTEC SaaS Generic Backend Microservices iconSaaS Finance Engine

Enhance your financial operations with our specialized SaaS finance engine, delivered through powerful APIs that seamlessly integrate with your workflow layer. It provides a comprehensive suite of financial planning and analysis, budgeting, financial reporting, compliance, accounts payable and receivable management, cash flow management, billing, and invoicing features. By automating and streamlining financial processes, our finance engine reduces manual data entry, improves accuracy and efficiency, and offers real-time financial visibility and insights. Gain a competitive advantage and make informed financial decisions with ease.

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SaaS Finance Engine
: AtenTEC RAD Services iconRapid Application Development (RAD) Services

Leverage our RAD solutions to accelerate software development. RAD is a methodology that emphasizes speed and flexibility, allowing for the quick creation and refinement of software applications. Through rapid prototyping, iterative development cycles, and close collaboration with stakeholders and end-users, we deliver functional prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) in record time. RAD development leverages visual development tools and agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban, providing speed and flexibility for projects with high uncertainty or changing requirements.

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Rapid Application Development (RAD) Services
AtenG API Runtime logoAtenG API Runtime

Experience the environment that enables seamless communication between software systems and applications. AtenG API Runtime allows developers to create, deploy, and manage APIs, ensuring efficient integration. With robust hardware, software components, and middleware such as API gateways and service meshes, our API runtime environments guarantee scalability, security, and dependability. Hosted on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments, our cloud-based API runtimes offer unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. We ensure that your API runtime environment is monitored and managed for optimal performance and availability, protecting against unauthorized access and data breaches.

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AtenG API Runtime
AtenG platform iconAtenG Platform

Accelerate your software application development with AtenG Platform, a dynamic software development platform that prioritizes speed and flexibility. Embrace rapid prototyping, iterative development cycles, and quick delivery of functional prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) to stay ahead in the market.

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AtenG Platform

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HEAD OFFICE: 45 Kambiz st,Dokki, Giza, Egypt

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE: 18C, Togariah Dist. Al-Tor South Sinai, Egypt